Kelsey is growing up before our very eyes. She is such a happy little girl but she sure keeps us busy. No cupboard or drawer is safe. She loves sock drawers and can't keep her hands off of toilet paper rolls and goodies under the bathroom sinks. She is starting to talk which is fun and actually asked for, "more nanna (banana)," at breakfast the other day.

Shopping with baby and of course a camera.

Morning tea with Teddy.

Kelsey loves the tunnel. Especially if you chase her into it.

She's turned into a lover of books. She'll pick up a book and then approach you butt first so you will put her on your lap and read with her. She loves pictures of animals and growls every time she sees a tiger.

Oh dear...Kelsey loves yogurt. The funny thing is that she doesn't really eat it. She dips her hands in it and plays with it but as you can see very little makes it into her mouth.
Kelsey's words include: Momma, Dadda, Ga (Garrett), Nanny, Teddy, apple, banana, turtle, night night, bye bye, more, and of course her absolutely favourite word right now is, "No!"
Other tidbits: Kelsey finds shoes around the house and demands you put them on. The second she gets into the car, however, she takes both shoes and socks off. She also loves wearing or carrying her jacket around the house. If she wants to go out she'll hand you her jacket, have you put it on her, and then will stand at the gate on the top of the stairs and say, "Bye bye." I'm not quite sure where she thinks she is going. She is not impressed if you don't at least let her go downstairs.