Our downstairs bathroom ceiling. Anyone feel like doing a bit of drywalling?
This is where you have to take a bath when both bathtubs in the house are currently storing toilets. Garrett and Kelsey didn't seem to mind.
Our downstairs bathroom ceiling. Anyone feel like doing a bit of drywalling?
This is where you have to take a bath when both bathtubs in the house are currently storing toilets. Garrett and Kelsey didn't seem to mind.
A naked ride on a slip and slide.
Climbing anything you can.
Hanging out with family.
Every birthday wouldn't be complete without some party games.
You've got to love an uncle who comes over and totally tires out the kids. Thanks Uncle Dean!
The birthday girl enjoying a visit with Grandma.
Good food was enjoyed by all!
Kelsey and Aunty Meghan checking out her cake.
Cousin Cruz doing two things he loves to do best...climbing and eating.
Kelsey loves her new gifts!
Now to top off a great evening Uncle Dean presented Garrett with a box of Hot Wheel cars and a car transporter (that he was given from Aunty Meg's Uncle). He couldn't have been happier and has played with them every free moment he's had since then.