Sunday, May 30, 2010

Helicopters, fire trucks, bears...oh my!

It's been quite a week...

A helicopter ride with Grandpa.

Garrett's first solo car ride.

A little cooking and conversation between cousins.

A very wet Lynn Valley Day parade.

An awesome trip to visit firefighter Bradley at the firehall.

A little dress-up.

A bear hunt in the forest.

Some playground fun! I wonder what will happen next week??

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Garrett was in heaven tonight when Uncle Dean pulled out his skateboard from Grandma's basement. Dean was trying to relive his glory days by showing Garrett some tricks but it didn't take long before Garrett was showing Dean a few moves of his own.

Could Garrett get any happier?

Garrett kept stopping and posing. "Take a picture Mommy!"

Meghan and Kelsey enjoying some snuggles.

Kelsey hasn't quite got the hang of smelling the roses. She keeps trying to taste them.

Here are a few other cutie shots of Kelsey.

This is pretty impressive for a 2 year old.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Grouse Mountain

Grandma Judy, Garrett, Kelsey and I spent a great day up Grouse Mountain. We visited the grizzly bears who have recently awaken from hibernation and were putting on quite a show for their guests.

Garrett hiding behind Grandma. The fence sure didn't look like enough protection between us and the grizzly bear.

Grandma and Garrett making snow angels.

Garrett and Grandma hitched a ride on a snowmobile.
Kelsey's first feel (and taste) of snow. She loved it!

Gondola ride back to the car.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Outdoor School

We spent a great day at North Vancouver Outdoor School's Open House. To our delight the rain held off until we were leaving. Garrett got to visit a farm, fish hatchery, and Bighouse all in one place. Even with all of the great things to see his favourite part was throwing rocks in the river. Kelsey was a real champ and took it all in from the backpack smiling and waving everywhere she went.

Kelsey all bundled up and ready for the day.

Garrett in his element.

He would have stayed here for hours. It took some tricky negotiating to get him to leave.